
Our mission here at Publicacta is to provide online gamblers with the opportunity to learn about ACTA implications. We believe this set of rules and regulations that New Zealand lawmakers have signed will bring a significant change in the online gambling industry. 

Additionally, we believe that if players are not knowledgeable about these implications, there will be consequences and there’s a potential that innocent gamblers will be prosecuted due to their ignorance of the topic of ACTA. 

That is why we built Publicacta as a platform that serves as a definitive source of information and news regarding the ACTA or Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement.  

The services we offer here at Publicacta mostly revolves around informing our readers about ACTA and the consequences of violating its rules and regulations, from free content to live customer support. 

New Zealand Programme 

Legislations regarding copyright and online gambling are being carried out in New Zealand every day. Make sure you don’t miss any of them by subscribing to our programme, where we alert you of any changes in the ACTA implications. 

Insightful Blogs 

Our website contains a blog page where our readers can easily learn and continue their studies about the ACTA’s set of rules and regulations. Our blogs may consist of articles that belong to two categories: Legal Implications and Copyright. 

Legal Implications 

While the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement revolves around maintaining peace and prosecuting of copyright infringers, there are other legal implications that may affect the online gambling industry regardless of whether they have performed copyright infringement. 


The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement focuses on prosecuting copyright infringers. Articles belonging to this category involves the consequences of copyright infringement. 

Live Customer Support 

Our customer support team is available 24/7 so our readers may ask any question about this website. However, we also provide assistance for those who want to learn about ACTA without reading plain text. We believe learning can be faster if the learner ingests information from tutors. 


We at Publicacta are committed to providing the latest news and happenings involving ACTA in New Zealand.