
pageimage about - About

Publicacta was established in 2019 and since then, we’ve been doing our best providing valuable content as we focus on ACTA implications that we believe will affect the online gambling industry.

We incorporate copyright infringement with online gambling since ACTA’s highlights are copyrights.

We help online gamblers be aware of the minefield in the online gambling industry, considering that there are many laws, particularly ACTA, that might change how the industry works.

We care about the safety of online gamblers and so we make it a point to help them have a better understanding of the connection between copyright infringement and online gambling. We, therefore, built this safe and registered website that online gamblers will enjoy reading.

Our Mission

Our mission here at Publicacta is to provide our readers with the information they need to become extra cautious when gambling at online casino sites or other gambling facilities on the internet.

We believe it’s crucial for internet users to know what the consequences of their actions will be and that’s why we incorporate ACTA implications, which is perhaps the strictest set of regulations involving copyright infringement.

Our goal is to ultimately avoid any online gamblers into falling into deprivation and lead them to commit crimes which they probably don’t have any idea on what those are, considering that the majority have no idea what ACTA implications are.

Our Location

Publicacta was established in Auckland, New Zealand and is still headquartered in the same location. Thus, we focus on providing content that prioritizes the safety of New Zealand online gamblers.

Due to the signing of the ACTA by the New Zealand lawmakers, we are putting extra effort into reaching more people inside the country and inform them of the ACTA implications. Of course, we do this while avoiding the consequences of ACTA as well.

Our Services

Here at Publicacta, our services revolve around informing our readers about the dangers and consequences of violating the rules and regulations put into place through the ACTA. From free content to customer support, our goal is to educate online gamblers around New Zealand about ACTA implications.

Our Founder

The founder of Publicacta is Harvey Ramsey, a resident of Auckland, New Zealand. He founded this agency in 2019 and he’d had the same goal since then, to inform online gamblers about the consequences of ACTA so they too can avoid being prosecuted by committing unintentional “crimes”.

Our Team

Our team is composed of talented writers, researchers, designers, and more, all of which are experienced with the online gambling industry as well as knowledgeable about the ACTA implications in New Zealand.

If you’re interested in Publicacta and want to stick around for longer, you may subscribe to our website and keep updated with all the news regarding ACTA in New Zealand.

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